5 Most VSAQ’s of Reproductive Health Chapter in Inter 2nd Year Zoology (TS/AP)

2 Marks

VSAQ-1 : What are the measures one has to take to prevent contracting STDs?

To prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

  1. Partner Selection: Avoid sex with unknown or multiple partners. Choose mutually monogamous relationships.
  2. Condom Use: Always use condoms correctly during intercourse to act as a barrier against STD transmission.
  3. Regular Check-ups: Consult a healthcare provider for routine screenings to detect potential STDs early.
  4. Prompt Treatment: Seek immediate medical attention if you suspect or are diagnosed with an STD, and complete prescribed treatment.

VSAQ-2 : What in your view are the reasons for population explosion, especially in India?

The population explosion in India is driven by several factors

  1. Improved Healthcare: Better healthcare and living conditions have lowered death rates, resulting in a larger, long-lived population.
  2. Reproductive Age Survival: Reduced mortality means more individuals reach reproductive age, leading to increased births.
  3. Maternal Health: Lower maternal mortality rates ensure more mothers survive childbirth, potentially having more children.
  4. Infant Health: Reduced infant mortality rates mean more children survive infancy, contributing to population growth.

VSAQ-3 : It is true ‘MTP is not meant for population control’. Then why did the government of India legalize MTP?

The government of India legalized Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) with restrictions for specific purposes:

  1. Unwanted Pregnancies: MTP addresses unintended pregnancies, offering women the choice to manage their reproductive health and prevent unwanted pregnancies.
  2. Rape Victims: It provides an option for women who have experienced sexual assault to terminate pregnancies forced upon them, ensuring their autonomy.
  3. Maternal Health: In cases where continuing a pregnancy poses a risk to the mother’s health, MTP offers a safe, legal way to protect maternal well-being.

VSAQ-4 : What is ‘amniocentesis’? Name any two disorders that can be detected by amniocentesis.

Amniocentesis and Disorders Detected

Amniocentesis is a medical procedure to detect genetic defects in an unborn baby. It involves withdrawing amniotic fluid and analyzing fetal cells. Two disorders detected by amniocentesis are:

  1. Down Syndrome: Caused by an extra chromosome 21, resulting in developmental and intellectual delays.
  2. Edward’s Syndrome (Trisomy 18) and Turner’s Syndrome: Edward’s syndrome involves an extra copy of chromosome 18, leading to severe developmental issues. Turner’s syndrome occurs when females have only one X chromosome, causing physical and developmental challenges.

VSAQ-5 : Mention the advantages of ‘lactational amenorrhea method’.

Advantages of Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM)

The lactational amenorrhea method (LAM) or breastfeeding offers several advantages:

  1. Natural Contraceptive: LAM serves as a natural and effective form of contraception when practiced correctly, helping space pregnancies.
  2. Enhanced Baby’s Immunity: Breastfed babies receive vital nutrients and antibodies from their mother’s milk, bolstering their immune system and safeguarding against infections and allergies. Breast milk provides optimal nutrition for infant health and development.