8 Most VSAQ’s of Taxonomy of Angiosperms Chapter in Inter 1st Year Botany (TS/AP)

2 Marks

VSAQ-1 : What is “Omega Taxonomy”?

Omega Taxonomy is an advanced branch of taxonomy that integrates various scientific disciplines such as Embryology, Cytology, Palynology, Phytochemistry, Serology, and Morphology. This approach offers a comprehensive and holistic method for understanding and classifying organisms that goes beyond the traditional taxonomy methods. It combines multiple facets of biological knowledge to provide a more detailed and accurate characterization of living organisms.

VSAQ-2 : What is natural system of plant classification? Name the scientists who followed it?

The Natural System of plant classification is based on the consideration of all possible morphological characters and aims to establish the natural relationships among plants. Several prominent scientists who followed this system include:

  1. Bentham and Hooker: These botanists contributed significantly to the development and propagation of the Natural System of plant classification through their work on the “Genera Plantarum.”
  2. de Jussieu: Antoine-Laurent de Jussieu was a French botanist who played a key role in formulating the natural system of plant classification in his work “Genera Plantarum.”
  3. de Candolle: Augustin Pyramus de Candolle, a Swiss botanist, further refined and expanded upon the principles of the natural system of plant classification in his monumental work “Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis.”

VSAQ-3 : What is geocarpy? Name the plant which exhibits this phenomenon.

Geocarpy is the process in which fruits develop underground, within the soil. An example of a plant that exhibits geocarpy is Arachis hypogaea, commonly known as groundnut or peanut. In this plant, after pollination, the flower’s stalk elongates, bends downward, and buries itself in the soil, where the fruit (peanut) develops.

VSAQ-4 : Name the type of pollination mechanism found in members of Fabaceae.

Members of the Fabaceae family are primarily pollinated through the piston mechanism. This mechanism involves the specialized structure of the flower, where the stamens and pistil are arranged in a way that promotes effective pollen transfer to achieve successful pollination.

VSAQ-5 : Write the floral formula of solanum plant.

Br, Ebr, ⊕, K5, C5, A5, G(2)

The “G” should not be subscripted as “G2” but should be written as “G(2)” to indicate that Solanum has a bicarpellate gynoecium (two fused carpels).

VSAQ-6 : Give the technical description of ovary in solanum nigrum.

In Solanum nigrum, the ovary can be described as follows:

  1. Ovary Type: The ovary is bicarpellary, composed of two fused carpels.
  2. Carpel Fusion: It is synacarpous, indicating that the carpels are fused together.
  3. Locules: The ovary is bilocular, having two locules (compartments) inside.
  4. Position: It is a superior ovary, situated above the point of attachment of other floral parts.
  5. Placentation: The ovules are attached to the swollen axile placentation within the ovary.
  6. Style and Stigma: The style is terminal, arising from the top of the ovary, and the stigma is capitate, appearing as a rounded or knob-like structure.
  7. Carpel Arrangement: The carpels are obliquely arranged at an angle of 45°.

VSAQ-7 : Give the technical description of anthers of allium cepa.

  1. Anther Arrangement: The anthers in Allium cepa are basifixed, meaning they are attached to the filament at their base.
  2. Anther Structure: They are dithecous, which means each stamen has two distinct lobes or thecae.
  3. Attachment: The anthers are attached to the filaments by a thin, elongated connective.
  4. Dehiscence: Dehiscence of the anthers in Allium cepa is introrse, indicating that they split open towards the inside of the flower.
  5. Color: The color of the anthers can vary, but they are often yellow in mature flowers.
  6. Number: In each individual flower of Allium cepa, there are typically six stamens with corresponding anthers.
  7. Position: The anthers are situated above the ovary in the flower’s reproductive structure.

VSAQ-8 : Explain the scope and significance of ‘Numerical Taxonomy’

Numerical Taxonomy: Scope

Numerical Taxonomy involves the use of mathematical methods to assess differences and similarities between taxonomic groups. It relies on observable data for classification and can be efficiently conducted using computers.

Numerical Taxonomy: Significance

Numerical Taxonomy assigns numbers and codes to characters, treating each character equally and allowing the consideration of a large number of traits. This systematic and objective approach enhances accuracy and consistency in taxonomy, reducing bias in classification.