5 Most VSAQ’s of Carbon and its Compounds Chapter in Class 10th Physical Science (TS/AP)

2 Marks

VSAQ-1 : What are hydrocarbons?


  1. Definition: Hydrocarbons are organic compounds consisting exclusively of carbon (C) and hydrogen (H) atoms.
  2. Simplicity: They represent the simplest class of organic compounds.
  3. Role: Serve as fundamental building blocks for a diverse array of organic molecules.
  4. Variety: Exist in different forms like alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes, distinguished by their carbon-carbon bonding types.
  5. Examples:
    • Alkanes: Characterized by single bonds between carbon atoms.
    • Alkenes: Contain at least one double bond between carbon atoms.
    • Alkynes: Have at least one triple bond between carbon atoms.

VSAQ-2 : Name some crystalline forms of allotropes of carbon.

Crystalline Allotropes of Carbon:

  1. Diamond: A form of carbon where each atom is tetrahedrally bonded to four other carbon atoms, known for its hardness and brilliance.
  2. Graphite: Consists of carbon atoms in layers, with each atom bonded to three others in a plane, notable for its lubricating properties and use in pencil leads.
  3. Buckminsterfullerene (C60): A spherical molecule composed of 60 carbon atoms, resembling a soccer ball in structure, named after architect Buckminster Fuller.

VSAQ-3 : Write two uses of ethanol in day to day life.

Uses of Ethanol in Daily Life:

  1. Alcoholic Beverages: Ethanol is the primary alcohol in alcoholic beverages, used for its psychoactive and flavoring properties.
  2. Pharmaceuticals: In pharmaceuticals, ethanol serves as a solvent and preservative in products like cough syrups and tonics.

VSAQ-4 : Mention any two uses of graphite in day to day life.

Uses of Graphite in Daily Life:

  1. Pencil Lead: Graphite is widely used as pencil lead for writing and drawing, due to its ability to leave a dark mark on paper.
  2. Lubricant: Its slippery nature makes graphite an effective lubricant in mechanical applications, particularly where oil-based lubricants are unsuitable.

VSAQ-5 : Why do the various micelles present in water do not come together to form a precipitate, Guess the reason.

  1. Surface Charge Repulsion: The micelles stay separate due to repulsion between charged ions on their surfaces.
  2. Prevents Aggregation: This electrostatic repulsion prevents the micelles from aggregating into a precipitate.