5 Most VSAQ’s of Forms of Government Chapter in Inter 1st Year Political Science (TS/AP)

2 Marks

VSAQ-1 : Aristotle classification of Government. (OR) Write about Aristotle’s classification on Government.

  1. Monarchy: This is a government led by a single ruler, often a king or queen. Aristotle recognized both virtuous and corrupt forms of monarchy, depending on the ruler’s character and commitment to the common good.
  2. Aristocracy: In an aristocracy, the government is in the hands of a small, privileged class of individuals who are considered the best and most virtuous leaders. Again, it can become corrupt if this elite group acts in their self-interest.
  3. Polity (or Constitutional Government): Aristotle believed that a polity was the best form of government. In a polity, power rests with the middle class or the broad citizenry. It combines elements of democracy and oligarchy. A polity promotes the common good and prevents the extremes of wealth and poverty.

VSAQ-2 : Federal Government (OR) What do you mean by federal government?

Federal government is a system of governance in which power is divided between a central or national government and smaller regional governments, such as states or provinces. The central government has authority over matters of national interest, while the regional governments have control over local affairs. This division of powers is established through a constitution or treaty, and each level of government operates independently within its designated sphere. The idea behind federalism is to balance the advantages of a strong central government with the autonomy and diversity of regional governments.

VSAQ-3 : Presidential form of Government.

Presidential form of government is a system where the executive branch, headed by the president, is separate from the legislative branch. The president is elected independently of the legislature and serves a fixed term in office. This system allows for a clear separation of powers and checks and balances between the executive and legislative branches. The president is the head of state and government, and their powers are defined by the constitution. The legislature makes laws and the president has the authority to veto legislation, subject to checks by the legislature or judiciary.

VSAQ-4 : Collective responsibility. (OR) Write about collective responsibility.

Collective responsibility is a crucial aspect of parliamentary government. In this system, all the ministers in the government are collectively responsible for the decisions and policies of the government. They are expected to support and defend government decisions both inside and outside the parliament. If a minister disagrees with a decision, they are expected to resign from the government. This principle ensures that the government remains cohesive and united in its actions and policies. It also allows the parliament to hold the entire government accountable for its actions.

VSAQ-5 : Prime Minister.

In a parliamentary government, the Prime Minister holds the real executive power and is the central figure in the government. They play a crucial role in leading and coordinating the government’s actions. The Prime Minister has the authority to form, reorganize, and dissolve the government, as well as to select the members of the cabinet. They are responsible for making key policy decisions and representing the government both domestically and internationally. The Prime Minister’s position is pivotal in ensuring the smooth functioning of the government and implementing its agenda.