7 Most VSAQ’s of Meaning, Natura and Scope of Political Science Chapter in Inter 1st Year Political Science (TS/AP)

2 Marks

VSAQ-1 : Define Political Science. (OR) Give any two traditional definitions of political science.

Political Science, an academic discipline, encompasses the comprehensive study of government systems, political processes, political behavior, and theoretical analysis of political concepts. It centers on comprehending the distribution and exercise of power, authority, and influence within societies. This field comprises diverse areas including political theory, comparative politics, international relations, public administration, and political economy. By scrutinizing political institutions, ideologies, and policies, Political Science aims to elucidate and assess the operations of governments and their repercussions on societies and individuals.

VSAQ-2 : Mention any four points of significance of political science.

  1. Understanding Concepts and Theories: Political science offers a framework for comprehending pivotal concepts like power, authority, sovereignty, and political ideologies, along with diverse theoretical perspectives that aid in the analysis of political phenomena.
  2. Study of Government Forms and Organs: Political science investigates the structures and functions of governments, including legislative bodies, executive agencies, and judicial systems, facilitating an understanding of how political institutions operate.
  3. Awareness of Citizens’ Rights and Duties: Political science educates citizens about their rights, responsibilities, and the mechanics of democratic processes, fostering informed and active participation in governance.
  4. Analysis of International Relations: Political science delves into the intricacies of global politics, exploring interactions between states, international organizations, and other actors. This is crucial for comprehending international conflicts, cooperation, and diplomacy.

VSAQ-3 : Behaviouralism. (OR) Write about Behaviourism.

Behavioralism, a psychological and philosophical approach, focuses on observable behavior over internal mental processes. It emphasizes environmental influences and conditioning as key factors shaping behavior. This perspective promotes empirical and objective research, with practical applications in fields like education and therapy.

VSAQ-4 : Post-Behaviouralism.

Post-Behavioralism arose in response to Behavioralism within political science. It stressed the importance of balancing ethics, values, and empirical facts. During this period, political scientists shifted their focus towards observing and verifying political phenomena through empirical studies, allowing for the development of theories grounded in empirical evidence.

VSAQ-5 : Master Science.

Aristotle referred to ‘politics’ as the ‘Master Science’ because it encompasses all individual activities within society, alongside political and social institutions. This comprehensive field of study governs the organization, functioning, and interactions of individuals and groups in society.

VSAQ-6 : Write about any two modern definitions of political science.

  1. Behavioral Approach: In the modern context, one prevalent definition of political science stems from the behavioral approach. It defines political science as the scientific study of political phenomena with an emphasis on empirical research. This definition focuses on the use of systematic observation, data analysis, and quantitative methods to explore and explain political behavior, institutions, and processes. It seeks to uncover patterns and regularities in political events and actions, striving for a more objective and scientific understanding of politics.
  2. Normative Approach: Another modern definition of political science incorporates a normative perspective. This perspective views political science as a discipline that not only analyzes political systems and behavior but also evaluates and prescribes what ought to be done in the realm of politics. It involves ethical considerations, values, and moral judgments in addition to empirical analysis. This definition recognizes the role of political science in providing guidance for ethical governance and decision-making, beyond mere description and explanation of political phenomena.

VSAQ-7 : What is meant by Sociology?

Sociology is the scientific study of society, human behavior, and the interactions among individuals within social groups and institutions. It aims to understand and analyze the patterns, structures, and forces that shape social life. Sociology explores a wide range of topics, including culture, socialization, social inequality, institutions, deviance, collective behavior, and social change. Through systematic research and analysis, sociology seeks to uncover the underlying principles and dynamics that govern human societies.