8 Most VSAQ’s of Ecological Adaptations, Succession and Ecological Services Chapter in Inter 1st Year Botany (TS/AP)

2 Marks

VSAQ-1 : Climax stage is achieved quickly in secondary succession as compared to primary succession. Why?

Secondary succession achieves the climax stage quickly compared to primary succession because it starts in areas with existing soil and plant remnants, which allow for faster plant colonization and growth. These factors provide a head start in ecosystem development.

VSAQ-2 : Among bryophytes lichens and ferns which one is a pioneer species in a xeric succession?

Among bryophytes, lichens, and ferns, lichens are the pioneer species in xeric (dry) succession. Lichens are well-suited to colonize and initiate the process of succession in harsh and arid environments, making them primary colonizers in xeric conditions.

VSAQ-3 : Give any two examples of xerarch succession.

  1. Newly Cooled Lava: Xerarch succession can occur on newly cooled lava flows, where pioneer species like lichens and mosses colonize the barren volcanic rock.
  2. Bare Rock Areas: Xerarch succession can also take place on bare rock surfaces, where pioneer organisms like lichens, algae, and mosses gradually establish themselves and pave the way for more complex plant communities to develop over time.

VSAQ-4 : Name the type of land plants that can tolerate the salinities of the sea.

The type of land plants that can tolerate the salinities of the sea are called halophytes. Halophytes have adaptations that allow them to grow in saline environments, including salt marshes and coastal areas. An example of a halophyte is Rhizophora, commonly known as a mangrove tree, which thrives in saline coastal habitats.

VSAQ-5 : Define heliophytes and sciophytes. Name a plant from your locality that is either heliophyte or sciophyte.

Heliophytes thrive in direct sunlight, while sciophytes prefer shady places with less light.

Local Examples:

  1. Heliophyte: Tridax (Tridax procumbens) prefers sunny areas.
  2. Sciophyte: Ferns (various species) grow in shaded, forested areas.

VSAQ-6 : Define population and community.

  1. Population: A population is a group of similar individuals of the same species that are found in a specific geographic area or habitat.
  2. Community: A community is an assemblage of multiple populations of different species that coexist and interact within the same area or ecosystem.

VSAQ-7 : Define communities? Who classified plant communities into hydrophytes, mesophytes and xerophytes?

  1. Community: A community is an assemblage of several populations of different species that coexist and interact within the same area or ecosystem.
  2. Eugen Warming: Eugen Warming is the scientist who classified plant communities into hydrophytes, mesophytes, and xerophytes based on their adaptations to aquatic, moderate, and arid environments, respectively.

VSAQ-8 : Hydrophytes show reduced xylem. Why?

Hydrophytes have reduced xylem because they absorb water through their entire surface, including submerged organs, eliminating the need for extensive water transport mechanisms found in terrestrial plants.