4 Most VSAQ’s of Planning and NITI Aayog Chapter in Inter 2nd Year Commerce (TS/AP)

2 Marks

VSAQ-1 : Balanced Regional Development.

Balanced Regional Development is an approach in India focused on reducing economic disparities among various regions. It involves investing in infrastructure, promoting industries, improving education and skills, ensuring financial inclusion, and reducing income inequalities in less developed areas to foster inclusive and sustainable growth.

VSAQ-2 : Inclusive Growth (OR) What is Inclusive Growth?

Inclusive Growth in India is a comprehensive development strategy that seeks to reduce poverty, create employment opportunities, promote agricultural development, diminish regional disparities, and achieve equitable economic growth. This approach considers not only economic aspects but also social and cultural dimensions of development to ensure that the benefits of growth are distributed more widely and reach marginalized and disadvantaged sections of society.

VSAQ-3 : NITI Aayog.

NITI Aayog, short for the National Institution for Transforming India, was established to play a crucial role in India’s development by providing strategic insights and recommendations. It replaced the Planning Commission and focuses on promoting good governance through the effective utilization of technology. NITI Aayog aims to engage the non-resident Indian community in development initiatives and leverage the expertise of scientific, entrepreneurial, and intellectual human capital to drive progress and transformation in the country.

VSAQ-4 : Reasons for rural-urban Imbalances.

Rural-urban imbalances in India can be attributed to several factors, including disparities in the availability of natural resources, historical urban bias in development policies, and the lack of essential facilities and infrastructure in rural areas. Urban regions often benefit from better access to natural resources, while government policies have historically favored urban development, exacerbating these imbalances. Additionally, rural areas often face challenges such as limited access to healthcare, transportation, communication, and reliable sources of income, which are more readily available in urban areas. These factors contribute to the rural-urban divide in the country.