6 Most VSAQ’s of State and Sovereignty Chapter in Inter 1st Year Political Science (TS/AP)

2 Marks

VSAQ-1 : What is state?

A state refers to a politically organized and sovereign entity that possesses defined territory, a permanent population, a government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other states. It is a central concept in political science and international relations, representing a recognized and self-governing political entity with the authority to make and enforce laws within its borders. States play a crucial role in maintaining order, providing governance, and representing the interests of their citizens on the global stage through diplomacy and international relations.

VSAQ-2 : What is Government?  (OR) What do you mean by Government?

Government refers to the system or institution responsible for exercising political authority and administering public affairs within a state or territory. It consists of elected or appointed officials who formulate and enforce laws, make decisions on public policies, and maintain order and stability in society. Government is crucial for the allocation of resources, the protection of citizens’ rights, and the provision of public services. It plays a fundamental role in the governance and functioning of a state or political entity, ensuring the implementation of laws and policies that impact the lives of its citizens.

VSAQ-3 : What is Society? (OR) What do you mean by Society? (OR) What do you understand by Society?

Society refers to a group of individuals who live together in a defined territory, interact with one another, share common norms, values, and cultural practices, and are bound by social relationships. It is a complex network of social interactions and relationships where people collaborate, cooperate, and coexist. Societies can vary in size, structure, and cultural diversity, and they play a fundamental role in shaping individuals’ identities, behaviors, and social roles. Studying society involves examining its structures, institutions, and dynamics to understand how individuals collectively contribute to the functioning and development of human communities.

VSAQ-4 : Monistic theory of Sovereignty.

The monistic theory of sovereignty is a political theory that asserts the existence of a single and undivided source of sovereign authority within a state. According to this theory, there is only one supreme authority that holds ultimate power and makes decisions on behalf of the entire political community. This authority is often embodied in the central government or the state itself, and it has the absolute right to enact laws, enforce them, and control the affairs of the state without any external interference.

VSAQ-5 : Internal Sovereignty.

Internal sovereignty signifies the undisputed authority of a central government or governing body over its territory and population within a sovereign state. It encompasses the exclusive right to enact and enforce laws, maintain order, and make decisions without external interference, emphasizing the state’s autonomy and control over internal affairs.

VSAQ-6 : ‘De-jure’ Sovereignty.

De-jure sovereignty refers to the legitimate and recognized authority of a state or government to exercise sovereignty over a specific territory and population. It signifies that the state’s sovereignty is acknowledged under international law and by the global community. De-jure sovereignty implies that the state is the rightful and legal governing authority over its territory, with the capacity to enter into international relations, establish legal systems, and make decisions on behalf of its citizens.