7 Most VSAQ’s of The Living World Chapter in Inter 1st Year Botany (TS/AP)

2 Marks

VSAQ-1 : What does ICBN stand for?

ICBN stands for the International Code for Botanical Nomenclature. It is a set of rules and guidelines that govern the scientific naming and classification of plants.

Importance of ICBN:

The ICBN ensures standardized and consistent naming practices in botanical taxonomy and helps botanists communicate and understand plant species across the world.

VSAQ-2 : What is flora?

Flora refers to the collective plant species found in a specific geographic area or region.

Components of Flora:

It includes a comprehensive account of the habitat, distribution, and systematic listing of all the plants present in that area.

Importance of Flora:

Flora plays a crucial role in understanding the biodiversity and ecological characteristics of a particular region and is essential for scientific research and conservation efforts.

VSAQ-3 : Which is the largest botanical garden in the world? Name a few well known botanical gardens in India.

The largest botanical garden in the world is the Royal Botanical Gardens (RBG) at Kew, located in England.

Well-Known Botanical Gardens in India:

  1. Indian Botanical Garden, Howrah (Kolkata)
  2. National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow
  3. Lalbagh Botanical Garden, Bengaluru
  4. Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Indian Botanic Garden, Shibpur
  5. The Government Botanical Garden, Ooty
  6. Botanical Garden of Indian Republic, Noida.

VSAQ-4 : Define the terms ‘couplet’ and ‘lead’ in taxonomic key.


In a taxonomic key, a couplet refers to a set of two contrasting statements that help in identifying an organism based on specific characteristics. The user must choose the statement that best matches the observed traits to proceed further in the key.


Each individual statement in a taxonomic key, whether it is a question or a description of a characteristic, is called a lead. It guides the user to make a decision about the identity of the organism being identified.

VSAQ-5 : What is meant by manuals and monographs?

  1. Manual: A manual is a compact reference book that contains information for identifying various species found in a specific area. It serves as a quick and handy guide for field identification.
  2. Monograph: A monograph is an in-depth, specialized book that focuses on a single taxonomic group or species. It provides comprehensive and detailed information about the particular group, including descriptions, classifications, and other relevant data.

VSAQ-6 : What is the basic unit of classification? Define it.

  1. Basic unit of classification: The species is the fundamental unit of classification.
  2. Definition of species: A species is a group of individual organisms that share fundamental similarities and can interbreed to produce fertile offspring. It represents the lowest level of classification and forms the building block of biodiversity studies and taxonomy.

VSAQ-7 : Give the scientific name of mango. Identify the generic name and specific epithet.

  1. Scientific name of mango: Mangifera indica.
  2. Generic name: Mangifera
  3. Specific epithet: indica