5 Most VSAQ’s of Centre State Relations Chapter in Inter 2nd Year Political Science (TS/AP)

2 Marks

VSAQ-1 : Write a note on the Union list.

The Union List is a crucial part of India’s federal system, delineating the subjects on which the Union Parliament holds legislative authority. Initially comprising 97 subjects, it now includes 98 subjects. Some prominent subjects in the Union List include banking, railways, citizenship, foreign affairs, defense, currency, income tax, taxes on stock exchange transactions, telephones, coinage, insurance, atomic energy, mineral resources, customs, and more. These subjects are under the exclusive jurisdiction of the central government, ensuring uniformity and consistency in laws related to these matters across the country.

VSAQ-2 : NITI Aayog.

NITI Aayog, which stands for the National Institution for Transforming India Aayog, was established on January 1, 2015, following a resolution of the Union Cabinet. This apex policy think tank is chaired by the Prime Minister of India and encompasses a Governing Council that includes the Lt. Governor of Union Territories and the Chief Ministers of all States, as well as regional councils.

VSAQ-3 : Residuary powers.

Residuary powers in the Indian Constitution refer to the authority granted to the Parliament to create laws regarding subjects and matters not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution. According to Article 248 of the Indian Constitution, the Parliament possesses residuary powers.

VSAQ-4 : How are legislative matters divided between the Union and the states?

In India, legislative matters are divided between the Union and States through three lists: the Union List, the State List, and the Concurrent List. The Union List includes subjects under the jurisdiction of the Union Government, while the State List is governed by State Legislatures. The Concurrent List allows both the Parliament and State Legislatures to legislate on specific subjects. This division ensures a balanced distribution of legislative powers and efficient governance.

VSAQ-5 : Write a brief note on the Sarkaria Commission.

The Sarkaria Commission, established by the Union Government on June 9, 1983, and led by Justice Ranjit Singh Sarkaria, was tasked with assessing and reviewing the existing relationships and arrangements between the states and the union in India. Its primary objective was to evaluate the functioning of these arrangements and propose any necessary reforms or changes.