3 Most VSAQ’s of Citizenship Chapter in Inter 1st Year Political Science (TS/AP)

2 Marks

VSAQ-1 : What do you mean by Jus Sanguinis?

Jus Sanguinis is a legal concept of nationality where citizenship is obtained based on the nationality or citizenship of one’s parents, regardless of the place of birth. For instance, if a child is born to Indian parents, they will automatically acquire Indian citizenship, even if they are born outside of India. This principle ensures that a child inherits the citizenship of their parents’ country.

VSAQ-2 : What is dual citizenship (OR) Write a short note on Dual Citizenship.

Dual citizenship, also known as dual nationality, describes the status of an individual who holds citizenship in two distinct countries simultaneously. For example, a child born to British parents in the United States may possess both British and American citizenship. However, dual citizenship regulations vary by country, and not all nations permit it. The rules and processes for acquiring dual citizenship can be intricate, often involving birth, marriage, or naturalization. Specific laws and prerequisites governing dual citizenship are typically defined by each country.

VSAQ-3 : Mention any two qualities of a good citizen.

Two qualities of a good citizen are:

  1. Obedience to Law and Order: A good citizen adheres to the laws and regulations of the country, respecting the authority of the government. They recognize the significance of following rules for the benefit of society.
  2. Civic Responsibility: Good citizens actively engage in the civic affairs of their community and nation. This involves reporting criminal activities, contributing to societal improvement, and exercising their right to vote during elections.