9 Most VSAQ’s of Emergence of Telangana State Chapter in Inter 2nd Year Political Science (TS/AP)

2 Marks

VSAQ-1 : Mulki Rules.

  1. Residency Requirement: To be eligible for employment in Telangana, individuals must have lived in the region for at least 15 years.
  2. Job Allocation Quotas: Under the Mulki Rules, 80% of job positions are reserved for Telangana residents, with the remaining 20% open to individuals from Andhra Pradesh.

VSAQ-2 : Srikrishna Committee report, 2010.

Srikrishna Committee Report, 2010

  1. Background: Responding to demands for a separate Telangana state, the Indian government appointed the Srikrishna Committee in 2010 to examine the issue.
  2. Recommendations: The report suggested the creation of a separate Telangana state, with Hyderabad as a shared capital for a transitional period and outlined provisions for resettlement and rehabilitation of affected individuals.

VSAQ-3 : Hyderabad as common capital.

Hyderabad as Common Capital

  1. Srikrishna Committee Proposal: In response to the demand for a separate Telangana state, the Srikrishna Committee Report, 2010 recommended Hyderabad as a common capital for both Telangana and Andhra Pradesh during a transitional period.
  2. Gradual Transition: This arrangement allowed for a gradual shift of administrative functions and powers to a new capital for Andhra Pradesh, facilitating a smooth transition and resolution of the capital city issue.

VSAQ-4 : Sakala Janula Samme.

Sakala Janula Samme

  1. Significance: ‘Sakala Janula Samme,’ meaning ‘strike by all sections of people,’ was a vital event in the Telangana agitation of 2012, organized by the Political Joint Action Committee (JAC).
  2. Participants and Actions: The strike involved a wide spectrum of participants, including students, employees, teachers, lawyers, professionals, and various caste associations, who boycotted courts, abstained from work, and engaged in protests.
  3. Duration and Impact: Lasting for 42 days, it garnered national attention and led to other protest forms like ‘Road Blockade’ and ‘Rail Roko,’ showcasing the effectiveness of collective action in demanding political change.

VSAQ-5 : Million March.

On March 10, 2011, the Joint Action Committee (JAC) of Telangana orchestrated the Million March movement, which played a significant role in advocating for the creation of a separate Telangana state. This event highlighted the pressing issues of socio-economic disparities and backwardness prevalent in the Telangana regions.

VSAQ-6 : Kulasanghala J.A.C.

Kulasanghala J.A.C.

  1. Formation and Composition: In the Telangana Movement, diverse caste and occupational groups, including minorities, Dalit Bahujans, and Other Backward Classes (OBCs), joined forces to establish the Kula Sanghala Joint Action Committee (JAC).
  2. Motivation and Socio-economic Disparities: The JAC’s formation was driven by the impact of uneven socio-economic policies that had eroded traditional livelihoods and occupations, affecting people from various backgrounds.
  3. Symbolic Protests: Participants expressed their grievances through symbolic protests, such as OBCs with bullock carts and ploughs, Dalit Bahujans with drums and dholaks, toddy tappers with ‘Muttadu’ and ‘Moku’, and shepherds with their flocks.
  4. Quest for Livelihoods and Justice: Engaging in the Telangana Movement was seen as an opportunity to reclaim traditional livelihoods, making it a significant event in the ongoing struggle for socio-economic justice and the restoration of their way of life.

VSAQ-7 : Gentlemen’s Agreement.

Gentlemen’s Agreement

  1. Formation and Participants: The Gentlemen’s Agreement was a pact forged on February 20, 1956, in New Delhi, between leaders representing Andhra and Telangana.
  2. Outcomes: This agreement resulted in the creation of the Telangana Regional Committee and the commencement of the Mulki rules in 1958.
  3. Significance: The Gentlemen’s Agreement played a pivotal role in shaping the political and administrative landscape of the region. It defined respective roles and established rules to ensure equitable employment and representation within the government, fostering a sense of fairness and cooperation between Andhra and Telangana.

VSAQ-8 : Telangana Agitation, 1969.

Telangana Agitation, 1969

  1. Historical Context: Telangana had been an independent state within the Indian Federation from 1948 to 1956. However, the Vishalandhra Movement pushed for the amalgamation of Telangana with the Andhra state.
  2. Formation of Andhra Pradesh: After the Gentlemen’s Agreement, Telangana merged with Andhra to create the state of Andhra Pradesh on November 1, 1956.
  3. Dissatisfaction and Unmet Aspirations: Subsequently, the successive governments of Andhra Pradesh failed to fulfill the aspirations of the Telangana people, leading to growing discontent within the region.
  4. 1969 Agitation: The 1969 agitation emerged as a response to this dissatisfaction, as it marked a significant turning point in Telangana’s quest for autonomy and self-governance, highlighting the region’s struggle for recognition and self-determination.

VSAQ-9 : Political JAC.

Political JAC

  1. Formation: Established on December 24, 2009, with major parties like BJP, TDP, and TRS.
  2. Leader: Led by M. Kodandarama Reddy, a professor.
  3. Protest Programs: Organized activities like Sahaya Nirakarana, Million March, and Sagaraharam.
  4. Impact: These actions were crucial in raising awareness and mobilizing support for Telangana’s political goals.