3 Most VSAQ’s of Contemporary Issues in Indian Politics Chapter in Inter 2nd Year Political Science (TS/AP)

2 Marks

VSAQ-1 : Forms of Corruption (OR) Powers of Corruption.

Corruption, as defined by the World Bank, involves the misuse of public office for personal gain. It takes on various forms, including:

  1. Nepotism: Showing favoritism to relatives in professional settings.
  2. Bribery: Offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting something of value to influence individuals in charge of public or legal duties.
  3. Embezzlement: Misappropriating entrusted funds for personal use.
  4. Extortion: Forcing someone to provide money, property, or services under duress.
  5. Favoritism: Unfairly showing preference to specific individuals over others.

VSAQ-2 : Whistle Blowers.

Whistleblowers are individuals who expose corrupt activities, typically within public offices, by alerting the public or relevant authorities. They can report corruption activities through two main channels:

  1. Internal Reporting: Whistleblowers may disclose corrupt activities to a responsible authority within their organization, such as a manager or supervisor.
  2. External Reporting: Whistleblowers have the option to report corruption to external entities, which can include government agencies, law enforcement authorities, or media outlets.

VSAQ-3 : Merits and Demerits of Coalition Politics.

Merits of Coalition Politics

  1. Inclusivity: Represents diverse interests.
  2. Stability: Reduces single-party dominance.
  3. Consensus: Encourages well-thought-out decisions.
  4. Minority Representation: Fosters minority rights.

Demerits of Coalition Politics

  1. Instability: Prone to frequent government changes.
  2. Policy Gridlock: Ideological differences may hinder reforms.
  3. Compromised Accountability: Ethical compromises for stability.
  4. Inefficiency: Slower decision-making due to consensus.