9 Most VSAQ’s of Local Governments Chapter in Inter 2nd Year Political Science (TS/AP)

2 Marks

VSAQ-1 : State Election Commission.

The State Election Commission, established under Article 243(K) of the Indian Constitution, is responsible for overseeing and conducting panchayat elections at the state level. Its primary functions include:

  1. Voters List Management: The commission maintains and updates the voters’ list to ensure accurate and current records of eligible voters for panchayat elections.
  2. Impartial Conduct: It conducts panchayat elections impartially, guaranteeing a fair and unbiased electoral process, free from undue influence or bias.
  3. Symbol Allocation: The commission allocates election symbols to candidates, facilitating the identification of candidates by voters.

VSAQ-2 : Gramm Sabha.

Gram Sabha: A Platform for Local Participation

  1. Definition: Gram Sabha includes all individuals listed on the electoral roll of the Gram Panchayat.
  2. Conduct: Meetings are convened at least bi-monthly, presided over by the Sarpanch, Upa-Sarpanch, or any Gram Panchayat member.
  3. Focus: Among the six meetings held, two specifically address the concerns of women, senior citizens, and disadvantaged sections of the community.
  4. Participation: Gram Sabha serves as a vital platform for community members to express their views and deliberate on local issues, fostering grassroots participation and democracy.

VSAQ-3 : Sarpanch.

Sarpanch is the first person of the village and political head of the Gram Panchayat. He is elected directly by the registered voters of the village. He is responsible for executing resolutions of Gram Panchayat and Gram Sabha. He represents the meetings of Gram Panchayat and Gram Sabha.

VSAQ-4 : Mayor.

The Mayor is the political leader and head of the Municipal Corporation, elected by councilors. Their main roles include administrative control over the Municipal Commissioner for resolution implementation and overseeing key municipal functions such as sanitation, water supply, and street lighting.

VSAQ-5 : L.M.Singhvi Committee.

The L.M. Singhvi Committee, formed in 1986 by the Rajiv Gandhi Government, aimed to revitalize panchayat raj institutions for democracy and development. Its key recommendations included constitutional recognition and support for these institutions and the establishment of constitutional provisions to ensure regular, free, and fair elections within them.

VSAQ-6 : Municipal Corporation.

The Municipal Corporation represents the highest level of urban local self-government in major cities such as Hyderabad, Delhi, Kolkata, Bengaluru, Mumbai, and others. Its structure and functions are organized into four distinct organs:

  1. Council: This deliberative body comprises registered voters of the corporation. It serves as a platform for discussions, decision-making, and the formulation of policies related to the municipal area.
  2. Mayor: The Mayor is the elected political head directly chosen by the registered voters of the corporation. The Mayor plays a pivotal role in representing the citizens and leading the municipal government.
  3. Standing Committees: These committees are instrumental in providing suggestions and recommendations aimed at enhancing the efficient functioning of the Municipal Corporation. They help streamline various aspects of municipal governance.
  4. Commissioner: Appointed by the Government from the IAS cadre, the Commissioner assumes responsibility for administrative matters within the Municipal Corporation. This includes overseeing day-to-day operations and ensuring the effective execution of policies and programs.

VSAQ-7 : Mandala Parishad.

Mandala Parishad is the intermediary level within the Panchayat Raj system at the block level, encompassing multiple Panchayats. While not mandatory in smaller states, it consists of three main components: the Deliberative Body (Mandala Parishad), the Political Head (Mandal Parishad President), and the Administrative Head (Mandal Parishad Development Officer).

VSAQ-8 : Cantonment Board.

The Cantonment Board functions as a local governing body established under the 74th Constitutional Amendment Act of 1992. It is responsible for providing municipal administration and services to residents residing within the Cantonment area, which was initially defined by the Cantonment Act, 1924, and later modified by the Cantonment Amendment Act, 2006. Similar to a Municipality, the Cantonment Board consists of members who serve in ex-officio, elected, and nominated capacities.

VSAQ-9 : Gram panchayat.

Gram Panchayat serves as the fundamental unit within the Panchayat Raj system, representing either a single village or a cluster of villages. It convenes monthly meetings and functions as a legislative body at the grassroots level. As of the latest data, Telangana boasts a total of 12,751 Gram Panchayats.