12 Most VSAQ’s of Rights and Duties Chapter in Inter 1st Year Political Science (TS/AP)

2 Marks

VSAQ-1 : Classify Rights.

  1. Civil and Political Rights: These rights pertain to individual freedoms and participation in the political process. Examples include the right to life, liberty, and security; freedom of speech, religion, and assembly; and the right to vote and participate in government.
  2. Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights: These rights focus on the well-being and quality of life of individuals. They encompass the right to education, work, housing, healthcare, and a standard of living adequate for health and well-being. These rights seek to address socio-economic inequalities and promote a decent standard of living for all.

VSAQ-2 : Natural Rights.

Natural rights, as conceptualized by John Locke, are inherent to every individual from birth. These rights, including the rights to life, liberty, and property, are not bestowed by any authority but are deemed essential to human existence. They are held to be universal and should be safeguarded and honored by both society and government.

VSAQ-3 : Moral Rights (OR) Write about Moral Rights.

Moral rights are derived from ethical and moral principles prevalent in society, often rooted in customs and traditions. While they may lack precise definition, they enjoy widespread acknowledgment. These rights hold significance because they are deeply ingrained in the values and beliefs of the population. The state cannot disregard moral rights for an extended period as they constitute an integral aspect of human society and governance.

VSAQ-4 : What are Political Rights?

Political rights are indispensable for citizens’ engagement in political activities and government operations. They encompass the right to vote, the ability to hold public offices, the freedom to petition, and the privilege to criticize the government. These rights empower individuals to actively participate in shaping the political environment and exercising their democratic liberties. Political rights play a fundamental role in securing citizens’ representation and impact on a nation’s governance.

VSAQ-5 : Classification of duties.

  1. Legal Duties: These duties are established and enforced by laws and regulations. They include obligations such as paying taxes, obeying traffic laws, and serving on a jury. Legal duties are mandatory and non-negotiable, and non-compliance may result in legal consequences.
  2. Moral Duties: Moral duties are rooted in ethical and moral principles and are not necessarily enforced by law. They include responsibilities like helping others in need, being honest, and showing respect. While not legally binding, moral duties are considered essential for fostering a just and compassionate society and are often guided by personal values and societal norms.

VSAQ-6 : Write any four political rights

  1. Right to Vote: The right to participate in elections and choose representatives who will make decisions on behalf of the citizens.
  2. Right to Run for Public Office: The ability to stand as a candidate in elections and seek public office, contributing to the democratic process.
  3. Freedom of Speech: The privilege to express one’s opinions, beliefs, and criticisms freely without fear of government censorship or punishment.
  4. Right to Petition: The freedom to submit petitions and grievances to the government, requesting redress of issues or changes in policies and practices.

VSAQ-7 : Moral Duties.

Moral duties are obligations grounded in ethical principles and are not necessarily subject to legal enforcement. Instances of moral duties encompass assisting those in need and providing care to the ill. These duties are guided by a sense of morality and compassion, as opposed to being mandated by legal requirements.

VSAQ-8 : National Human rights commission.

The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) is a commission established in India pursuant to the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993. Its central objective is the protection and promotion of human rights within the nation. The NHRC is committed to addressing instances of human rights violations and ensuring that justice and dignity are upheld for all individuals.

VSAQ-9 : Two Fundamental rights mentioned in the India Constitution.

  1. Right to Equality: This fundamental right ensures that all citizens are equal before the law and prohibits discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth.
  2. Right to Freedom: This right guarantees various freedoms to citizens, including freedom of speech and expression, freedom of assembly, freedom to form associations or unions, freedom of movement throughout the territory of India, and freedom to practice any profession or occupation.

VSAQ-10 : Point out any three Civil rights?

  1. Right to Life and Personal Liberty: This civil right protects an individual’s life and personal liberty, ensuring that they cannot be deprived of these without due process of law.
  2. Right to Freedom of Speech and Expression: Citizens have the right to express their opinions, thoughts, and ideas freely, without censorship or restraint by the government.
  3. Right to Privacy: This right encompasses an individual’s freedom from unwarranted intrusion into their personal life and affairs, safeguarding their privacy from government or third-party interference.

VSAQ-11 : Write some important Economic rights.

  1. Right to Property: The right to own, acquire, and dispose of property is a crucial economic right, ensuring individuals can possess and control assets and wealth.
  2. Right to Employment: This right encompasses the opportunity to gain employment, engage in a chosen occupation, and earn a livelihood to support oneself and one’s family.
  3. Right to Education: Education is considered an economic right, as it plays a vital role in improving individuals’ skills and enhancing their economic prospects by providing opportunities for better employment and income.

VSAQ-12 : Define rights

Rights are the entitlements or claims possessed by individuals, acknowledged by society, and upheld by the state. They represent external conditions required for the development of an individual’s personality and the realization of their capabilities. Rights offer legal protection and freedom to individuals, permitting them to exercise their entitlements without prejudice or coercion.