Rampur : A Village Economy (SAQs)

Social | 8. Rampur: A Village Economy – SAQs:
Welcome to SAQs in Chapter 8: Rampur: A Village Economy. This page contains the most Important FAQs for Short Answer Questions in this Chapter. Each answer is provided in simple English, with a Telugu explanation, and formatted according to the exam style. This will support your preparation and help you secure top marks in your exams.

SAQ-1 : What are the different ways of increasing production on the same piece of land? Use examples to explain. (OR) What are the methods used to increase the production on same lands?

For Backbenchers 😎

To grow more food on the same land, we can use different tricks:

  1. Change Crops: Plant different crops in the same place at different times. Like, first beans, then wheat. It keeps the soil healthy.
  2. Fertilizers: Put special stuff in the soil to make it better for crops. For leaves, use one thing, and for roots and flowers, use another.
  3. Water Wisely: Water the crops in a smart way, like with sprinklers or tubes, so you don’t waste water.
  4. Special Plants: Use special plants that make more food. They’re like superhero crops.
  5. Fight Pests: Keep away bugs and pests from the crops, but do it without hurting the environment.
  6. Healthy Soil: Take good care of the soil by using things like mulch and cover crops.
  7. Modern Tech: Use cool technology like GPS and data to grow crops better.
మన తెలుగులో

ఒకే భూమిలో ఎక్కువ ఆహారాన్ని పండించడానికి, మేము వివిధ ఉపాయాలను ఉపయోగించవచ్చు:

  1. పంటలను మార్చండి: ఒకే స్థలంలో వేర్వేరు సమయాల్లో వేర్వేరు పంటలను నాటండి. ఇలా, మొదటి బీన్స్, తర్వాత గోధుమ. ఇది నేలను ఆరోగ్యంగా ఉంచుతుంది.
  2. ఎరువులు: పంటలకు మంచి చేయడానికి మట్టిలో ప్రత్యేక అంశాలను ఉంచండి. ఆకుల కోసం, ఒకదాన్ని ఉపయోగించండి, మరియు వేర్లు మరియు పువ్వుల కోసం, మరొకదాన్ని ఉపయోగించండి.
  3. తెలివిగా నీరు: స్ప్రింక్లర్లు లేదా ట్యూబ్‌ల వంటి స్మార్ట్ పద్ధతిలో పంటలకు నీరు పెట్టండి, కాబట్టి మీరు నీటిని వృథా చేయకండి.
  4. ప్రత్యేక మొక్కలు: ఎక్కువ ఆహారాన్ని తయారు చేసే ప్రత్యేక మొక్కలను ఉపయోగించండి. అవి సూపర్‌హీరో పంటల లాంటివి.
  5. తెగుళ్ళతో పోరాడండి: పంటల నుండి దోషాలు మరియు తెగుళ్ళను దూరంగా ఉంచండి, అయితే పర్యావరణానికి హాని కలిగించకుండా చేయండి.
  6. ఆరోగ్యకరమైన నేల: రక్షక కవచం మరియు కవర్ పంటలు వంటి వాటిని ఉపయోగించడం ద్వారా నేలను జాగ్రత్తగా చూసుకోండి.
  7. ఆధునిక సాంకేతికత: పంటలను బాగా పండించడానికి GPS మరియు డేటా వంటి కూల్ టెక్నాలజీని ఉపయోగించండి.


Enhancing agricultural production on the same piece of land is vital for meeting the growing food demands. This can be achieved through various methods, each contributing to increased yield and efficiency.

Methods of Increasing Production

  1. Crop Rotation: Alternating different types of crops in the same area across different seasons. For example, planting legumes that add nitrogen to the soil, followed by nitrogen-consuming crops like wheat or corn.
  2. Use of Fertilizers: Applying chemical or organic fertilizers to enrich the soil nutrients. For instance, using nitrogen-rich fertilizer for leafy growth and phosphorus-rich fertilizer for root and flower development.
  3. Improved Irrigation Techniques: Implementing efficient irrigation methods like drip or sprinkler systems to optimize water usage and reach.
  4. High-Yield Varieties: Utilizing genetically modified or selectively bred crops that yield more produce. An example is the use of dwarf wheat varieties that are sturdier and produce more grain.
  5. Pest Control: Employing integrated pest management practices to reduce crop damage. This could include biological pest control methods or the use of environmentally friendly pesticides.
  6. Soil Management: Enhancing soil quality through techniques like mulching, cover cropping, and minimal tillage to maintain soil health.
  7. Adopting Modern Technologies: Incorporating technology like precision agriculture, which uses GPS and data analysis for more accurate planting, fertilizing, and harvesting.


Various methods, including crop rotation, use of fertilizers, improved irrigation techniques, high-yield varieties, pest control, soil management, and modern technologies, can significantly increase agricultural production on the same piece of land. These methods contribute to sustainable farming practices while ensuring higher yield and efficiency.

SAQ-2 : Why are farm labourers like Shivaiah poor?

For Backbenchers 😎

Farm workers like Shivaiah often struggle with poverty because they:

  1. Get paid less than the minimum wage set by the government.
  2. Compete with many others for the same jobs, leading to even lower wages.
  3. Have fewer job opportunities because machines do some of the work.
  4. Only have work for about five months a year, so they need other jobs like MGNREGA.
  5. Depend on government programs that may not provide enough money or steady work to escape poverty.
మన తెలుగులో

శివయ్య వంటి వ్యవసాయ కార్మికులు తరచుగా పేదరికంతో పోరాడుతున్నారు ఎందుకంటే వారు:

  1. ప్రభుత్వం నిర్ణయించిన కనీస వేతనం కంటే తక్కువ వేతనం పొందండి.
  2. అదే ఉద్యోగాల కోసం చాలా మంది ఇతరులతో పోటీపడండి, ఇది తక్కువ వేతనాలకు దారి తీస్తుంది.
  3. యంత్రాలు కొన్ని పనిని చేస్తాయి కాబట్టి తక్కువ ఉద్యోగ అవకాశాలు ఉన్నాయి.
  4. సంవత్సరానికి ఐదు నెలలు మాత్రమే పని ఉంటుంది, కాబట్టి వారికి MGNREGA వంటి ఇతర ఉద్యోగాలు అవసరం.
  5. పేదరికం నుండి తప్పించుకోవడానికి తగినంత డబ్బు లేదా స్థిరమైన పనిని అందించని ప్రభుత్వ కార్యక్రమాలపై ఆధారపడి ఉంటుంది.


Farm labourers, often positioned at the lower end of the agricultural economic spectrum, encounter various challenges that contribute to their poverty. Shivaiah’s experience in Rampur is an illustration of these hardships.

Reasons for the Poverty of Farm Labourers Like Shivaiah

  1. Lower than Minimum Wages: Shivaiah’s earnings are consistently below the stipulated minimum wage set by the Uttar Pradesh government, insufficient for basic needs.
  2. High Competition for Employment: A large pool of labourers vying for farm work leads to intense competition, compelling many, including Shivaiah, to accept wages lower than the minimum.
  3. Mechanization of Farming: The use of tractors, threshers, and harvesters reduces the demand for manual labor, resulting in fewer work opportunities for farm labourers.
  4. Limited Work Duration: Employment in farms is available only for about five months a year for Shivaiah, forcing him to rely on programs like MGNREGA for alternative employment the rest of the year.
  5. Reliance on Government Programs: Dependence on inconsistent work from government programs such as MGNREGA often fails to provide stable or sufficient wages to alleviate poverty.


Farm labourers like Shivaiah face a multitude of challenges, including earning wages lower than the minimum, high competition for limited work, and reduced employment due to mechanization. These conditions impede their ability to earn a stable and adequate income, perpetuating a cycle of poverty.

SAQ-3 : Land is also required for production of goods in an urban area. In what ways is the use of land different from a rural area? (OR) Use of land is different in urban and rural areas. Explain.

For Backbenchers 😎

In cities, land is mainly used for things like factories, houses, roads, schools, and shopping malls. This is because cities are busy places with lots of people and businesses.

In rural areas, land is mostly used for farming, like growing crops and raising animals. People also have their homes and some open space for gardens or small industries like making crafts.

So, in cities, land is used for city stuff, and in rural areas, it’s used for farming and country living. This helps cities and rural places meet their different needs.

మన తెలుగులో

నగరాల్లో, భూమిని ప్రధానంగా కర్మాగారాలు, ఇళ్లు, రోడ్లు, పాఠశాలలు మరియు షాపింగ్ మాల్స్ వంటి వాటి కోసం ఉపయోగిస్తారు. ఎందుకంటే నగరాలు చాలా మంది వ్యక్తులు మరియు వ్యాపారాలతో రద్దీగా ఉండే ప్రదేశాలు.

గ్రామీణ ప్రాంతాల్లో, పంటలు పండించడం మరియు జంతువులను పెంచడం వంటి వ్యవసాయం కోసం భూమి ఎక్కువగా ఉపయోగించబడుతుంది. ప్రజలు తమ ఇళ్లను మరియు తోటలు లేదా చేతిపనుల తయారీ వంటి చిన్న పరిశ్రమల కోసం కొంత ఖాళీ స్థలాన్ని కూడా కలిగి ఉన్నారు.

కాబట్టి, నగరాల్లో, భూమి నగర వస్తువులకు ఉపయోగించబడుతుంది మరియు గ్రామీణ ప్రాంతాల్లో వ్యవసాయం మరియు దేశ జీవనానికి ఉపయోగించబడుతుంది. ఇది నగరాలు మరియు గ్రామీణ ప్రాంతాల వారి విభిన్న అవసరాలను తీర్చడంలో సహాయపడుతుంది.


Land is a crucial resource that serves varying functions in urban and rural areas, influenced by their distinct needs and economic activities.

Use of Land in Urban Areas

  1. Industrial Development: Urban regions often have a high concentration of industries and factories, necessitating land for manufacturing units and infrastructures.
  2. Construction and Housing: The growing urban population demands more housing, leading to the development of apartment complexes and high-rise buildings.
  3. Infrastructure and Amenities: Land is allocated for roads, bridges, airports, railway stations, parks, shopping malls, and recreational centers.
  4. Educational and Health Institutions: Urban areas typically house numerous schools, universities, hospitals, and healthcare facilities.

Use of Land in Rural Areas

  1. Agricultural Activities: The primary use of land in rural areas is for agriculture, including crop cultivation, pastures, and storage of agricultural produce.
  2. Non-farming Activities: Some land is used for activities like pottery, handicrafts, and other small-scale industries.
  3. Housing and Settlements: Consists of individual houses with open spaces, often accompanied by gardens, orchards, or small plots for personal cultivation.


The contrast in land use between urban and rural areas underscores their different economic activities and developmental needs. Urban areas prioritize industrial development, infrastructure, and amenities, while rural regions are focused on agriculture and open spaces. This understanding is essential for effective land management and balanced urban-rural development planning.

SAQ-4 : Water, a natural resource for production, particularly agricultural production, now requires greater capital for its use. What is your opinion on it?

For Backbenchers 😎

Water is super important for farming, but in India, lots of farmers rely on rain, and not enough land gets water from other sources. Farmers are also growing more crops in a year, so they need water all the time.

The big problem is that we’re using up the water stored underground too fast, and it’s running out. This means farmers have to spend more money to get water from deeper underground, which is hard and expensive.

To fix this, we need to invest in things like dams, canals, and systems to collect rainwater. This way, we can make sure there’s enough water for farming without hurting the environment.

మన తెలుగులో

వ్యవసాయానికి నీరు చాలా ముఖ్యమైనది, కానీ భారతదేశంలో, చాలా మంది రైతులు వర్షంపై ఆధారపడతారు మరియు తగినంత భూమికి ఇతర వనరుల నుండి నీరు లభించదు. రైతులు కూడా ఏడాదిలో ఎక్కువ పంటలు పండిస్తున్నారు కాబట్టి వారికి నిత్యం నీరు అవసరం.

పెద్ద సమస్య ఏమిటంటే, మనం భూగర్భంలో నిల్వ ఉన్న నీటిని చాలా వేగంగా ఉపయోగించుకుంటున్నాము మరియు అది అయిపోతోంది. దీని అర్థం రైతులు లోతైన భూగర్భం నుండి నీటిని పొందడానికి ఎక్కువ డబ్బు ఖర్చు చేయాల్సి ఉంటుంది, ఇది కష్టం మరియు ఖరీదైనది.

దీన్ని పరిష్కరించడానికి, వర్షపు నీటిని సేకరించడానికి ఆనకట్టలు, కాలువలు మరియు వ్యవస్థలు వంటి వాటిపై పెట్టుబడి పెట్టాలి. ఈ విధంగా, పర్యావరణానికి హాని కలిగించకుండా వ్యవసాయానికి తగినంత నీరు ఉండేలా చూసుకోవచ్చు.


Water is an essential natural resource, especially crucial for agricultural production. However, recent changes have led to an increased need for capital investment in its utilization for agriculture.

The Need for Irrigation

  1. Dependence on Monsoon: A significant portion of India’s agriculture relies on monsoon rains, with less than 40% of agricultural land benefiting from irrigation.
  2. Shift towards Multiple Cropping: Farmers are adopting multiple cropping practices, requiring a consistent water supply and well-developed irrigation systems.

Declining Groundwater Levels

  1. Over-reliance on Groundwater: The lack of comprehensive irrigation networks has led to heavy dependency on groundwater, resulting in its rapid depletion.
  2. Dwindling Water Tables: Even in regions with abundant rainfall or natural recharge systems, water tables have dropped to alarming levels.

Increasing Capital Intensity

  1. Rising Costs: Lower groundwater levels mean higher costs for extraction, with deeper borewells, more powerful pumps, and increased energy costs.
  2. Infrastructure Development: Investments in infrastructure like dams, canals, and rainwater harvesting systems are necessary to ensure a consistent water supply.


Water, previously a freely available resource, now requires substantial capital investment in agriculture. It is imperative to address water scarcity and develop sustainable agricultural practices. The current scenario highlights the urgent need for efficient water resource management and conservation.

SAQ-5 : What are the factors responsible for the multiple cropping in villages?

For Backbenchers 😎

Multiple cropping is when farmers grow more than one crop on the same piece of land in a year. This is good because it helps them get more food and money from their fields. To do this, they need enough people to work on the farm, a way to give the plants water, soil that has the right stuff to make plants grow well, knowledge about how to do it, and people who want to buy the different crops they grow.

When everything works together, it’s great for the farmers and the whole village.

మన తెలుగులో

రైతులు ఏడాదిలో ఒకే భూమిలో ఒకటి కంటే ఎక్కువ పంటలు పండించడాన్ని బహుళ పంటలు అంటారు. ఇది మంచిది ఎందుకంటే ఇది వారి పొలాల నుండి ఎక్కువ ఆహారం మరియు డబ్బును పొందడంలో వారికి సహాయపడుతుంది. దీన్ని చేయడానికి, వారికి పొలంలో పని చేయడానికి తగినంత మంది వ్యక్తులు అవసరం, మొక్కలకు నీరు ఇచ్చే మార్గం, మొక్కలు బాగా ఎదగడానికి సరైన పదార్థాలను కలిగి ఉన్న నేల, ఎలా చేయాలో మరియు వివిధ పంటలను కొనుగోలు చేయాలనుకునే వ్యక్తులు అవసరం. అవి పెరుగుతాయి.

అంతా కలసి పని చేస్తే రైతులకు, గ్రామం మొత్తానికి ఎంతో మేలు జరుగుతుంది.


Multiple cropping is the cultivation of more than one crop on the same land within a single agricultural year. This technique maximizes production and resource efficiency. Various factors drive its adoption in villages.

Factors Responsible for Multiple Cropping in Villages

  1. Agricultural Labour Availability: The presence of adequate manpower, both skilled and unskilled, is crucial for managing the increased workload in multiple cropping.
  2. Irrigation Facilities: A consistent and reliable water supply is essential. Areas with advanced irrigation systems like canals, wells, and tube-wells are more suitable for this practice.
  3. Soil Fertility: The nutrient content and health of the soil are vital. Fertile soil can support the growth of successive crops, ensuring good yields.
  4. Knowledge and Awareness: Education about multiple cropping benefits and techniques is important. Training and awareness programs can guide farmers on crop rotation and efficient land use.
  5. Consumer Demand: The market’s demand for a variety of food products influences farmers to grow diverse crops, offering better market prices and sales opportunities.


Multiple cropping serves as an effective method to optimize land use and increase production, ensuring economic benefits for farmers. Its success hinges on a synergy of natural resources, infrastructure, farmer knowledge, and market forces. Strengthening these factors can further encourage multiple cropping, enhancing food security and rural economic development.

SAQ-6 : State the differences between farmers and farm labourers.

For Backbenchers 😎

Farmers are people who own the land they work on, and they decide what to do with the crops they grow. Farm laborers, on the other hand, don’t own the land; they work for others on their farms. They get paid for their work, but they don’t have any say in what happens to the crops. So, farmers are like the bosses of their farms, while farm laborers are like the workers.

మన తెలుగులో

రైతులు తాము పని చేసే భూమిని కలిగి ఉన్న వ్యక్తులు మరియు వారు పండించే పంటలతో ఏమి చేయాలో వారు నిర్ణయిస్తారు. మరోవైపు వ్యవసాయ కూలీలకు భూమి లేదు; వారు తమ పొలాల్లో ఇతరుల కోసం పని చేస్తారు. వారు తమ పనికి జీతం పొందుతారు, కానీ పంటలకు ఏమి జరుగుతుందో వారికి చెప్పలేదు. కాబట్టి, రైతులు తమ పొలాలకు యజమానుల వంటివారు, వ్యవసాయ కూలీలు కూలీల లాంటివారు.


In the agricultural sector, understanding the distinct roles of farmers and farm labourers is key to comprehending the dynamics of this field.

Who Are Farmers?

  1. Land Ownership: Farmers typically own the land they farm on, which may be inherited, bought, or leased.
  2. Work Nature: They work on their land and have the choice to farm themselves or hire labourers.
  3. Crop Rights: Farmers possess the rights to the crops grown on their land, deciding on their sale or usage.

Who Are Farm Labourers?

  1. Land Status: Farm labourers often do not own land, or if they do, it is usually minimal. They predominantly work on others’ land.
  2. Employment Nature: Hired for various jobs, their employment can be short-term (daily or task-based) or for an entire farming season.
  3. No Crop Rights: Despite working on the land, they have no rights to the crops. Their role is limited to labour, and they are compensated for their work.


Farmers and farm labourers represent two different aspects of the agricultural sector. While farmers have land ownership and control over crops, farm labourers work on lands owned by others without any claim to the crops. This distinction is crucial for understanding the varied dynamics in agriculture and is particularly relevant for students studying for their Class 12 Board Exam and others interested in the agricultural industry.