Digestion and Absorption (VSAQs)
Zoology-2 | Unit-1A: Digestion and Absorption – VSAQs:
Welcome to VSAQs in Unit-1A: Digestion and Absorption. This page includes the most important FAQs from previous exams. Each answer is presented in the exam format to help you prepare effectively and aim for top marks in your final exams.
VSAQ-1: Give the Dental Formula of Adult Human Beings
The dental formula for adult humans is written as 2-1-2-3/2-1-2-3, which describes how teeth are arranged in each quadrant of the mouth. This formula indicates that there are 8 incisors, 4 canines, 8 premolars, and 12 molars, including the 4 wisdom teeth. To visualize, this means each quadrant of the mouth has 2 incisors, 1 canine, 2 premolars, and 3 molars, making up the complete set of 32 teeth found in an adult.
VSAQ-2: Bile Juice Contains No Digestive Enzymes, Yet It Is Important for Digestion. How?
Even though bile juice doesn’t contain digestive enzymes, it is crucial for digestion because it helps with a process called emulsification. Imagine bile as a detergent that breaks down large blobs of fat into smaller, manageable droplets. This increases the surface area of the fat, making it easier for digestive enzymes to break it down further. Additionally, bile helps in absorbing fats and fat-soluble vitamins in the small intestine and neutralizes stomach acid, creating a more suitable environment for other digestive enzymes to work effectively.
VSAQ-3: What Is Chyme?
Chyme is a thick, acidic mixture of partially digested food and gastric juices that forms in the stomach. Think of it as the “stew” that results from your food being churned and mixed with substances like hydrochloric acid and pepsinogen. This semi-solid mixture is then slowly released into the small intestine, where further digestion and nutrient absorption take place.
VSAQ-4: Name Different Types of Papillae Present on the Tongue of Man
The human tongue has three types of papillae, each with a unique role. Fungiform papillae are mushroom-shaped and contain taste buds, helping us detect flavors. Filiform papillae are slender and give the tongue its rough texture, aiding in food manipulation. Circumvallate papillae are large and dome-shaped, found in a row near the back of the tongue, and also contain taste buds. These papillae work together to enhance our ability to taste and handle food.
VSAQ-5: Name the Different Types of Salivary Glands of Man and Their Locations in the Human Body
Humans have three pairs of salivary glands:
- Parotid glands: Located just below the ears, near the inner surface of the cheeks. They produce a significant amount of saliva, especially when eating.
- Submaxillary (or Submandibular) glands: Situated at the angles of the lower jaw. These glands produce saliva that helps in the initial stages of digestion.
- Sublingual glands: Found beneath the tongue. They secrete a smaller amount of saliva compared to the other glands, which helps keep the mouth moist and aids in swallowing.