Physical World (VSAQs)
Physics-1 | 1. Physical World – VSAQs:
Welcome to VSAQs in Chapter 1: Physical World. This page features the most essential FAQs for Very Short Answer Questions. Each answer is provided in simple English and follows the exam format. This helps you focus on crucial concepts and aim for top marks in your final exams.
VSAQ-1 : What is the discovery of C.V. Raman?
The Raman Effect. This phenomenon pertains to the scattering of light by the molecules of a medium. It occurs when these molecules are excited to vibrational energy levels.
VSAQ-2 : What is the contribution of S. Chandra shekhar to physics?
His work primarily focused on the structure and evolution of stars. A notable concept he formulated is the “Chandrasekhar limit,” which represents a critical mass limit for white dwarf stars. This concept has been fundamental in advancing our understanding of stellar evolution and the formation of black holes.
VSAQ-3 : What are the fundamental forces in nature?
Fundamental Forces in Nature: The four fundamental forces are:
- Gravitational Force: Governs the attraction between masses.
- Electromagnetic Force: Acts between electrically charged particles.
- Strong Nuclear Force: The strongest force, it binds particles in the atomic nucleus.
- Weak Nuclear Force: Responsible for radioactive decay and nuclear processes.
VSAQ-4 : What is Beta (β) decay ? Which force is a function of it ?
Beta (β) Decay: A type of radioactive decay in nuclear physics characterized by the emission of a beta particle from an atomic nucleus. This beta particle can be a fast, energetic electron or a positron (positively charged electron). During this process, the original nuclide changes into an isobar. An example is the beta decay of a neutron transforming into a proton, accompanied by the emission of an electron and an antineutrino.
VSAQ-5 : What is Physics?
Physics is the scientific study of matter, energy, space, and time, exploring how they interact through various forces. It encompasses a range of fields including mechanics, electromagnetism, and quantum physics, providing a fundamental understanding of both the microscopic and macroscopic universe.