Production and Employment (VSAQs)

Social | 3. Production and Employment – VSAQs:
Welcome to VSAQs in Chapter 3: Production and Employment. This page contains the most important VSAQs in this chapter. Aim to secure top marks in your exams by understanding these clear and straightforward Very Short Answer Questions.

VSAQ-1 : What do you meant by under-employment? Give one example.

Definition and Example of Under-Employment

  1. Under-Employment: Refers to a situation where an individual is employed but not utilizing their skills and potential fully in their job.
  2. Example: A person with a college degree working in a lower-skilled position, such as a factory worker, exemplifies underemployment.
  3. This situation often results in job dissatisfaction and economic inefficiency.

VSAQ-2 : Mention any two reasons for decreasing in agriculture sector now a days.

Reasons for the Decline in Agriculture Sector

  1. High Population Pressure: The increasing demand for land and resources due to high population pressure is a significant factor in the sector’s decline.
  2. Insufficient Irrigational Facilities: A lack of adequate irrigational facilities negatively impacts crop productivity.
  3. Traditional Farming Methods: The continued use of traditional farming methods by farmers, which are often less efficient compared to modern techniques.

VSAQ-3 : Define primary sector (OR) What is primary sector? List some activities under this sector.

Primary Sector Definition: The primary sector involves economic activities directly extracting or harvesting natural resources from the environment.

Activities Under the Primary Sector:

  1. Agriculture: Farming of crops and livestock.
  2. Mining: Extraction of minerals and ores.
  3. Forestry: Logging and wood processing.
  4. Fishing: Catching fish and other aquatic resources.
  5. Other activities include gardening, pottery, and gathering natural products.

Role of the Primary Sector: This sector is vital in providing raw materials for various industries and supporting the livelihoods of many people worldwide.

VSAQ-4 : Define GDP. (OR) What is GDP?

Definition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

  1. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the monetary measure of all goods and services produced within a country’s borders over a specific period, usually a year.
  2. It is a crucial indicator of a country’s economic performance, assessing the health and growth of the economy.
  3. GDP encompasses the value of goods and services produced by individuals, businesses, and the government.
  4. It is a key metric for analyzing economic trends and making economic policy decisions.

VSAQ-5 : Who measures GDP?

Measurement of Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

  1. GDP Calculation: GDP is typically measured and calculated by national statistical agencies of each country, not directly by the Ministry of Central Government.
  2. Responsible Agencies: In many countries, the national statistical office or bureau is responsible for calculating GDP.
  3. Data Collection Process: These agencies gather data from businesses, households, and government entities to estimate the total value of goods and services produced within the country.
  4. Publication of GDP Figures: The data is collected regularly, and GDP figures are published periodically to provide insights into the country’s economic performance.

VSAQ-6 : Define secondary sector. (OR) What is secondary sector? List some activities under this sector.

Definition and Examples of Secondary Sector Activities

Secondary Sector Definition: The secondary sector, also known as the industrial sector, involves the transformation of raw materials into finished goods, encompassing manufacturing, construction, and material processing.

Examples of Activities in the Secondary Sector:

  1. Match Factory: Producing matchsticks from raw materials.
  2. Automobiles: Manufacturing of cars, trucks, and other vehicles.
  3. Textiles: Processing raw fibers into fabrics and clothing.
  4. Construction: Building structures and infrastructure using materials like cement and steel.

VSAQ-7 : Define tertiary sector. (OR) What is tertiary sector? List some activities under this sector.

Definition and Examples of Tertiary Sector Activities

Tertiary Sector Definition: The tertiary sector, commonly known as the service sector, focuses on providing services rather than goods.

Activities in the Tertiary Sector:

  1. Examples of services include tailoring, milk vending, transportation, and tourism.
  2. This sector is crucial for supporting the economy and addressing the needs of people and businesses.

VSAQ-8 : What is financial year?

  1. The financial year is a 12-month period that runs from 1st April to 31st March.
  2. It serves as the accounting period for businesses and government entities to calculate financial performance, income, expenses, and taxes.
  3. This period is crucial for budgeting, financial planning, and reporting of financial results.

VSAQ-9 : What is unorganized sector? (OR) What is unorganized sector? Give example.

Unorganized Sector Definition:

  1. The unorganized sector encompasses economic activities and enterprises that are not formally registered or regulated by the government.
  2. These units typically operate on a small scale and may not adhere to all rules and regulations.

Examples of the Unorganized Sector:

  1. Examples include street vendors, hawkers, small and marginal farmers, artisans, daily-wage laborers, and other informal workers.
  2. Despite its crucial role in the economy, workers in this sector often encounter challenges such as lack of social security and job stability.

VSAQ-10 : Give any two examples for final goods.

Definition of Final Goods: Final goods are products ready for consumption and not used as inputs for further production.


  1. Cars: Vehicles purchased by consumers for personal use.
  2. Notebooks: Notebooks bought by students for writing and studying purposes.

VSAQ-11 : What is organized sector? (OR) What is organized sector? Give example.

Organized Sector Definition:

  1. The organized sector encompasses economic activities and enterprises that are formally registered and regulated by the government.
  2. These units adhere to specific laws and regulations and often have larger scale operations.

Examples of the Organized Sector:

  1. Examples include public sector enterprises such as railways, post office, banks, along with large corporations and government-owned companies.
  2. The organized sector is characterized by providing formal employment, adhering to established labor laws, and offering better job security and social benefits to workers compared to the unorganized sector.

VSAQ-12 : Observe the information given in the table and answer the questions (i) and (ii).

SectorEmployment (%) 2011-12Gross Domestic Product (%) 2011-12

1. What was the share of agricultural sector in Gross Domestic Product?

2.What was the reason for low employment in service sector through it has a major contribution to Gross Domestic Product?

Analysis of Employment and GDP Distribution Across Sectors (2011-12)

  1. Share of Agricultural Sector in GDP:
    • In 2011-12, the agricultural sector contributed 16% to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
  2. Employment in the Service Sector vs. GDP Contribution:
    • The low employment rate in the service sector, despite its major contribution to GDP, is attributed to a significant workforce presence in the agricultural sector.
    • The agricultural sector, being labor-intensive, employs a large portion of the population yet contributes less to GDP.
    • Conversely, the service sector, which is more technology and capital-intensive, generates higher GDP with relatively fewer workers.