Climate of India (VSAQs)

Social | 4. Climate of India – VSAQs:
Welcome to VSAQs in Chapter 4: Climate of India. This page contains the most important VSAQs in this chapter. Aim to secure top marks in your exams by understanding these clear and straightforward Very Short Answer Questions.

VSAQ-1 : Classify the south – west monsoons into two branches.

  1. Arabian Sea Branch:
    • Brings moisture-laden winds from the southwest, across the Arabian Sea.
    • Influences rainfall in western and central India.
  2. Bay of Bengal Branch:
    • Carries winds from the southeast, across the Bay of Bengal.
    • Affects rainfall in eastern and northeastern India.

VSAQ-2 : What is deforestation?

  1. Reduction of Green Cover: The primary impact of deforestation is the decrease in forest canopy and greenery.
  2. Environmental Impacts: Deforestation leads to significant habitat loss and disruption of ecosystems.
  3. Contribution to Climate Change: It contributes to climate change by diminishing the forests’ ability to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, a crucial function in regulating global temperatures.

VSAQ-3 : What is the effect of a Jet stream?

Effects of Jet Streams:

  1. Influence on Weather Patterns: Jet streams are key in steering storms and influencing temperature changes.
  2. Impact on Rainfall Distribution: They significantly affect the distribution and intensity of rainfall.
  3. Aviation Impacts: Jet streams are considered in planning aviation routes due to their high speed.
  4. Long-term Climatic Effects: They can lead to extended weather phenomena like droughts and heatwaves.
  5. Effect at 25° North Latitude: In regions around 25° North latitude, jet streams contribute to cooling the atmosphere and triggering rainfall.

VSAQ-4 : What is Insolation?

Insolation is the incoming solar radiation from the Sun to the Earth’s surface, comprising both sunlight and heat energy. It is a crucial factor in determining the Earth’s climate and weather patterns.

VSAQ-5 : What is Loo?

Loo is a term used to describe hot and dry winds that are prevalent across the northern plains of India, especially during the summer season. These winds significantly impact the local climate and daily life in the region.

VSAQ-6 : What is meant by Trade Winds?

Trade winds are steady winds that originate from subtropical high-pressure areas and move towards equatorial low-pressure regions. They are known for their consistent direction and are deflected westward due to the Earth’s rotation.

VSAQ-7 : What does the Climograph show?

A climograph is a graphical representation that shows both temperature and precipitation patterns for a specific location over a certain period, typically a month or a year.

VSAQ-8 : What is Climate?

Climate is defined as the long-term average of weather conditions in a particular region, usually observed and calculated over an extended period, typically 30 years or more.

VSAQ-9 : What is weather?

Weather encompasses the immediate and short-term atmospheric conditions in a specific area. It includes factors such as temperature, humidity, precipitation, wind speed, cloud cover, and atmospheric pressure at a given moment.

VSAQ-10 : What are called mango showers?

Mango showers, also known as “mango rains,” are pre-monsoon showers specific to the Deccan Plateau region in India. Occurring just before the monsoon season, they are crucial for the ripening of mangoes.

VSAQ-11 : Mention any two actions that you would take, if you were the officer to prevent deforestation.

  1. Strict Measures Against Illegal Tree Felling: Implementing and enforcing stringent regulations to curb unauthorized and illegal cutting down of trees.
  2. Promoting Afforestation: Actively encouraging and participating in the planting of more trees to replenish forest cover.

VSAQ-12 : Compare the climate of Delhi and Chennai. How are they different?

  1. Delhi Climate:
    • Characterized by an extreme continental climate.
    • Influenced by both the Himalayas and the Thar Desert.
    • Primarily receives rainfall during the south-west monsoon season (July to September).
  2. Chennai Climate:
    • Known for its hot and humid climate.
    • Climate greatly influenced by the Bay of Bengal.
    • Receives most of its rainfall from the north-east trade winds during the period from October to December.

VSAQ-13 : Why does coramandal coast get high rainfall during North-East monsoons?

The Coromandel Coast experiences high rainfall during the North-East monsoons primarily due to the influence of depressions and cyclones in the Bay of Bengal, which bring considerable moisture and rainfall to the region.

VSAQ-14 : Observe the map given and answer the questions (i) and (ii).

1.When do south-west monsoons enter rajasthan?

2.What is meant by onset of monsoons?

  1. Entry of South-West Monsoons into Rajasthan: The South-West monsoons enter Rajasthan around 15th July.
  2. Meaning of ‘Onset of Monsoons’: The term “onset of monsoons” refers to the initial arrival of monsoon winds in a region, signifying the commencement of the rainy season.

VSAQ-15 : Name any two factors that influence climate and weather.

Two key factors that significantly influence climate and weather are:

  1. Latitude: Determines the intensity and duration of sunlight received, affecting temperature and weather patterns.
  2. Altitude: Higher altitudes generally experience cooler temperatures and distinct weather conditions compared to lower areas.

VSAQ-16 : What are the two branches of south-west monsoons which bring rains to India?

The two main branches of the South-West monsoons that bring rains to India are:

  1. Arabian Sea Branch: Brings moisture-laden winds from the Arabian Sea to western and central India.
  2. Bay of Bengal Branch: Carries winds from the Bay of Bengal, influencing rainfall in eastern and northeastern India.

VSAQ-17 : What are the consequences of global warming at present?

Current consequences of global warming include:

  1. Methane Release: Substantial amounts of methane being discovered under frozen tundra regions, especially in northern latitudes.
  2. Ice Melt and Methane Release Cycle: Global warming causing ice melt, leading to the release of methane, which further escalates global temperatures, thus perpetuating a continuous warming cycle.