Transportation (VSAQs)

Biology | 3. Transportation – VSAQs:
Welcome to VSAQs in Chapter 3: Transportation. This page contains the most important VSAQs in this chapter. Aim to secure top marks in your exams by understanding these clear and straightforward Very Short Answer Questions.

VSAQ-1 : Which type or blood vessels carry blood away from the heart?

  1. Function of Arteries: Arteries are the type of blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart, responsible for delivering oxygen-rich blood to various parts of the body.
  2. The Aorta – Largest Artery: The largest artery in the human body is the aorta, which carries oxygenated blood from the heart and branches out into smaller arteries, distributing it throughout the body.
  3. Pulmonary Artery – An Exception: An exception to the typical function of arteries is the pulmonary artery, the only artery that carries deoxygenated blood. It transports blood from the heart to the lungs for oxygenation.

VSAQ-2 : Prepare two questions, which you ask the doctor to know more details about high blood pressure.

  1. How can someone avoid high blood pressure?
  2. What are the effects of high blood pressure?
  3. What diet should one follow to prevent high blood pressure?

VSAQ-3 : Write any two materials needed for an experiment to examine a mammal heart. (OR) List out the materials you have used to observe the goat heart in your laboratory.

  1. A specimen of a mammal’s heart, such as a goat’s heart, preserved for dissection.
  2. A scalpel or a long dissection blade.
  3. A dissection tray to hold the specimen.
  4. A jug of water for rinsing or keeping the specimen moist.
  5. Dissection scissors.
  6. Forceps.

VSAQ-4 : Write any two differences between Atria and Ventricles. (OR) Write the differences between veins – arteries.

Function in Blood Circulation:

  1. Atria: In the heart, atria are the upper chambers that receive blood. The right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from the body, while the left atrium receives oxygenated blood from the lungs. Their main function is to collect this blood and pump it into the ventricles.
  2. Ventricles: Ventricles are the lower chambers of the heart. They receive blood from the atria. The right ventricle pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs for oxygenation, while the left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood to the rest of the body.

Structural Differences:

  1. Atria: Atria have thinner walls compared to ventricles because they only need to pump blood to the nearby ventricles.
  2. Ventricles: Ventricles have thicker walls, especially the left ventricle, as they need to generate more force to pump blood to the lungs (right ventricle) and throughout the entire body (left ventricle).

VSAQ-5 : Name any two valves present in human heart.

  1. Tricuspid Valve:
    This valve is located between the right atrium and the right ventricle. It ensures the unidirectional flow of blood from the atrium to the ventricle and prevents backflow when the ventricle contracts.
  2. Bicuspid Valve (Mitral Valve):
    Situated between the left atrium and the left ventricle, this valve functions similarly to the tricuspid valve, allowing blood to flow from the left atrium to the left ventricle and preventing it from flowing backwards.

These valves play a crucial role in maintaining efficient blood circulation within the heart by controlling the direction and flow of blood between the chambers.

VSAQ-6 : Siri injured while playing and the blood is flowing continuously from wound. What may be the reason for this?

  1. Blood Disorders as a Cause:
    The continuous blood flow from Siri’s wound could be due to blood disorders, such as thalassemia or hemophilia. These disorders can slow down the blood’s coagulation process, leading to prolonged bleeding when injured.
  2. Vitamin K Deficiency:
    Another potential reason for the continuous bleeding could be a deficiency of vitamin K, which is essential for proper blood clotting. In cases of vitamin K deficiency, the blood’s ability to form clots is impaired.
  3. Importance of Considering Underlying Causes:
    It’s important to consider these possibilities in cases of unusual bleeding patterns.

VSAQ-7 : Name the largest artery in the body.

The Aorta is the largest artery in the human body. It originates from the left ventricle of the heart and carries oxygenated blood to supply various body tissues and organs.

VSAQ-8 : What happens if platelets are absent in the blood?

  1. Essential Role of Platelets in Coagulation:
    Platelets are essential for blood clotting (coagulation). If platelets are absent in the blood, the body would have difficulty forming clots, leading to continuous bleeding when injured.
  2. Consequences of Platelet Deficiency:
    This condition can be severe and potentially life-threatening, as the body would struggle to stop bleeding, even from minor cuts or injuries.
  3. Importance of Platelets in Preventing Blood Loss:
    Platelets are crucial for preventing excessive blood loss and maintaining the integrity of the circulatory system.

VSAQ-9 : Name the apparatus, shown in the figure below.

The apparatus shown in the figure is called a Sphygmomanometer. It is used to measure blood pressure, consisting of an inflatable cuff to wrap around the arm, a pressure meter (manometer), and a pump to inflate the cuff.

VSAQ-10 : How does lymph differ from blood?

  1. Color and Composition of Lymph:
    Lymph is colorless or pale yellowish in color. It primarily contains white blood cells (especially lymphocytes), along with water and dissolved substances like proteins, but does not contain red blood cells (RBCs).
  2. Color and Composition of Blood:
    Blood is red in color, primarily due to the presence of hemoglobin in red blood cells. It contains not only red blood cells (RBCs) but also white blood cells, platelets, and plasma, which includes various nutrients, hormones, and waste products.